This week will be a memorable one for meteor shower-watchers all over the world. A rare celestial event occurs when the King of the meteor showers, the Draconid meteor shower, reaches its peak. Unlike many of the other popular meteor showers, the Draconids provide a dark sky that favours the meteor’s streaky glow allowing for an excellent viewing opportunity.
The Draconid meteor shower occurs during the first week of October when the Earth’s path takes it closest to a comet called the Giacobini-Zinner. As bits of rock and ice detach from the comet, this material sinks into the Earth’s atmosphere where it then vaporizes, producing the bright lights of a meteor shower. This year, the meteor shower is expected to peak on Thursday 8th October and continue until the following day.
Due to its occurrence during early autumn, observers of the Draconids can enjoy milder temperatures than compared to watching summer meteor showers. The Draconids, however, are unique in that they may be visible even in twilight and that they are somewhat spread out across time. This means that anyone wanting to see the spectacle has a greater chance of doing so.
The origin of the strange name of the Draconid meteor shower comes from the point in the sky from which the meteors appear to stem from; which is the Draco constellation. The warm, yellowish light that these meteors offer can provide an awe-inspiring experience for all those lucky enough to view them. With clear skies, patience and a bit of good luck, you will be able to observe this great show.
So gather your loved ones this week and cozy up somewhere outside and watch one of the most brilliant celestial shows you will ever witness.