In a shocking story that rocked the world, the massive Israeli hostage drama of September 17, 2019 was finally over after three weeks of mysterious captivity by Hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared in a statement that “today the world has witnessed the power of Israeli faith and determination,” but the ordeal of the dozen or so Israeli citizens has only now come to light.
The hostages—students, professionals, and citizens of various ages and backgrounds—have all recounted the same horrific experience, one of beating, starvation, and lice infestation. The hostages were kept in separate rooms for most of their captivity, and according to witnesses, each one was beaten almost every day. They were given small quantities of food and water, while all of their requests—including visits from family members—were denied. At one point, the hostages were forced to use the ceiling to shelter themselves from the winter cold.
Since their release, some of the hostages have spoken out about their experience. One hostage reportedly told reporters that “We were beaten constantly, and there was little food and water. We were placed in solitary confinement and there was no sanitation, only lice. It was really a horrible experience.” The hostage said that although they felt desperate and hopeless at times, they kept faith and were finally able to escape.
The ordeal of these Israeli hostages underscores the threat that Hamas poses to its citizens and to the international community. It is a reminder of the importance of finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a call to do whatever we can to help bring about a more peaceful future. Hamas must be stopped from carrying out these kind of actions, for the safety and well-being of all who are held captive.